Thursday, 9 June 2016

Imbroglio: Tales from the Set

Hello from the other side! Our initial week of production on Imbroglio is complete. One rehearsal day and five shooting days later, we are very nearly done. And what a week it was!

Our location was a run-down old house, near Downtown LA, owned by a very friendly gentleman we met while working on a previous production. He's redoing the entire property later this summer, so we were allowed to use the whole house and the back lot however we needed to - graffiti, holes in the walls, blood splatter, you name it! It was ideal for our purposes.

The back lot was perfect for filming - if a bit sunny.

Our cast, led by the wonderful Zoë Bell, was professional, kind, and amazingly talented. I could not be happier about the actors we chose, and they all worked so well with Christopher.

Director Christopher gives notes to our lead actress Zoë.

As producer,  my days were filled with paperwork, phone calls, emails, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee. I spent most of my time in our production office, which was at the front of the house, but I managed to sneak out to set now and then to catch the most action-packed scenes. Between our Stunt Coordinators, Weapons Master, FX team, and extremely capable group of actors, we were able to create some fantastic action sequences.

Our Stunt Coordinator Tim and part of our amazing cast!

Of course, as with any production, there were some bumps along the road - but that's all part of the experience! Nothing that couldn't be overcome with a positive attitude and some quick thinking - and did I mention the coffee? Our entire crew was great, but I'd like to particularly mention the awesomeness that was our female-driven production team. I am both so proud of and so inspired by those amazing ladies.

Amy and Zhandra, our beyond-amazing PA and 2nd AD.

We have one final day of shooting scheduled for later this month - there's just a little more to film, and then Imbroglio will be complete! To be continued...