Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Oh, Canada

Hello from Toronto! I'm here for the ReelHeART International Film Festival, which is taking place all this week. The festival kicked off Monday night. There are people here from all over the world, and everyone is super-friendly, so it's been easy to make new friends. Last night, since it was the 4th of July, the evening party was a festive BBQ on a rooftop patio downtown, with ridiculously pretty views of the city skyline.

Not too shabby.

The films I've seen so far have been fascinating, and the weather has been beyond gorgeous, so I had to steal some time today to wander around and soak up the sun...and when I happened to walk past Tot the Cat Cafe, well, it seemed like the right thing to do to go in and say hello to some furry friends.

My new BFF.

Tonight Girl Meets Roach is screening as part of a "Girl Stuff" block at the Carlton Cinema in downtown Toronto, before an Irish feature called The Randomer. I've had the pleasure of meeting the producer and lead actress of The Randomer, who are both lovely, so I'm really looking forward to that one. Here's hoping everyone enjoys Girl Meets Roach!